Confetti: blade (blade) + paper or paper + scissors. Computer: electricity + nerd, nerd + tool, or nerd + wire. Coconut milk: coconut + milk or coconut + tool. Clock: electricity + time, time + tool, or time + wheel. Christmas stocking: fireplace (hearth) + wool. Chicken: bird + livestock or egg + livestock. Charco: flamethrower + snowman, ice + sun, or snowman + sun. Chain: metal + rope, steel + rope Chainsaw: ax + electricity. Ceramics: clay + fire, clay + tool, or clay + wheel. Cauldron: metal + witch, steel + witch, fireplace + witch, campfire + witch Caviar: roe + human. Cashmere: tool + mountain goat, thread + mountain goat, fabric + mountain goat, scissors + mountain goat, wool + mountain goat Casket: corpse + wood. Carrot: snowman + sun or snowman + vegetable. Carbon dioxide: human + oxygen, night + plant, or night + tree. Cannon: castle + gunpowder + gunpowder + pirate ship. Camel: desert + horse, desert + livestock, or desert + wild animal. Butterfly: flower + wild animal.Ĭactus: desert + plant or plant + sand. Butter: energy + milk or milk + pressure. Bridge: metal + river, river + steel or river + wood. Blueprint: engineer + paper Boat: water + wood. Blender: blade (blade) + electricity or blade (blade) + glass Blizzard: 2x snow, snow + storm, or snow + wind. Bird: air + egg, air + life, egg + sky, or life + sky.

Barn: cow + house, hay + house, or house + livestock. Barbecue: bonfire + garden or bonfire + meat. Baker: bread + human, masa + human, or flour + human. Ax: blade (blade) + wood.īacon: fire + pork. Atmosphere: air + pressure or pressure + sky. Astronaut: human + moon, human + rocket, human + space, or human + space station.

Astronaut ice cream: astronaut + ice cream. Antarctica: desert + ice or desert + snow.

Ant: grass + wild animal or sugar + wild animal. Algae: ocean + plant, plant + sea or plant + water. Air: The air element is one of the four basic elements. All the Little Alchemy cheats in alphabetical orderĪcid rain: rain + smog or rain + smoky. Go ahead and use the cheat sheet below, if you feel like your fantasy is coming to an end and you need a little inspiration. Start with four basic elements (air, earth, water, and fire), and then you can create up to 580 elements including hamburger, lion, earthquake, and even an x-ray. You can Little Alchemy and add it as an extension to your Google Chrome browser. In this article, you will find a cheat sheet with all 580 combinations and formulas to use as a point of reference. Check out the full guide for making the new items, here.Little Alchemy is an easy, though very addictive, and relaxing game where you can mix different elements and create new ones. UPDATE : A new update has come to Little Alchemy 2 that brings over 50 new items and a Myths and Monsters expansion pack for mobile users. Little Alchemy 2 combines old and new items to make a new library of Weather, Geology and Mineral items.