Maybe the open source hype is not that big right now to become a target for malware spreaders or the philosophic is better in general. Warez uploader bought the software itself or stolen it from somewhere self and wanted to give the community a favor. Open source developers do something without much big own profit for free in price. A non programming interested user hardly gets any advantage if he use open source software instant of closed source if he just download and use the ready to use precompiled version, there would be still a good place to put malware inside. Warez is dangerous as precompiled open software aswell too. People who prefer to buy a legal license started this running gag. The myth that warez = always virus is simply false. You will find really huge community where you can download almost everything, there will be some hacked "portable" versions as well too. But ask your friends or search engines where them download their warez. It`s not allowed to post instructions here how to get warez. If you want to know more read the development pages and the development forums at this others who want the link he posted here. After the programm is shut down he will delete all settings from registery to a local file and so on. The launcher will start a non portable app and keep care of all local files and settings in other directorys other then the programm folder. A launcher is a little programm, mostly created with nsis scripting installer system (open source). If you want to discuss ready to use portable software them will be posted in general discussing with the hint that you just found it and are not responsible for any damage, virus and so on. That this forum is to post your OWN creations for portable software. His only mistake was to upload the hole folder instant of just the launcher. He uploaded his hole version he microsoft office 2007 but he forgot that other people might download it who did not pay a expensive license like him. He scripted/programmed a launcher itself and thought it would be cool to let other people profit from it. He owns a legal license for microsoft office 2007 and he wants to use it portable. The download content may include a virus from the warez website. Just posted the downloadlink from the warez site here or made a mirror. He did not script/programm anything hisself. He found the portable version on some warez site. It`s possible that he owns a legal license for mircosoft office 2007. As he started the first post "I have found a portable Microsoft office on the web".